Commercial Painting

So, a paint job is a paint job, right? Just a brush or roller applying a colored coating to walls or siding. It’s just interior and exterior – there’s really no difference between commercial painting and residential painting, right?


If you own or manage a business – a shop, office building, factory, warehouse or multi-unit living or treatment facility like a condo complex or a health clinic – you should be aware that there are significant differences between commercial and residential painting services. As a business owner or facility manager, your experience with painting your home will be very different from your commercial painting experience. But don’t worry! The professionals at Hetrick Painting are here to advise you and manage your project every step of the way.

Commercial Painting v. Residential Painting

Just about anyone who owns or lives in a home, apartment or condo has become familiar with having their living space repainted. Commercial painting projects differ, first and foremost, in size. Unless your business is very small, your commercial painting project is likely to be two to three times the size of residential project at a minimum, and probably substantially more. Businesses almost always exceed the square footage of an average home by many thousands, thus requiring larger crews, more materials, and more time to complete.

Then there’s the matter of scheduling. For residential work, painters work with the property owner and the two can agree on a plan to accommodate painting in one room while life continues in the rest of the house. This scheduling is a greater issue for commercial jobs, as business hours and essential business duties must be taken into account. In addition to a larger crew, several crews working different shifts may be necessary, and some work may need to be done at night or on weekends, all to accommodate the facility’s employees, customers, inventory, residents, and business partners.

Skillsets and equipment also come into play. A residential painting job by a professional painting company is very similar to a DIY project – a couple of painters, ladders and drop cloths, brushes and rollers, etc., working with a standard interior drywall or plaster surface and/or a standard exterior material like wood siding. A commercial job very often requires multiple surfaces (wood, concrete, marble, metal, reinforced plastic and many others) that require complex equipment (pressure washers, sandblasters, paint sprayers, scaffolding, and more). Crews assigned to commercial painting jobs must be versed in special surface preparation, metalizing, epoxy coatings, waterproofing, high-durability coatings, joint sealing, and much more.

Because of these considerations, project management is a must for commercial painting work. While a residential job may often be led by a crew leader who also paints, a commercial painting project likely needs a separate project manager. This manager stays informed with all aspects of the job, ensures safety and reduces risks, and works to safeguard the facility’s fixtures (i.e., floors, lighting) and contents (furniture, products). The project manager will keep in touch with each crew and shift and all the various elements of the total project, and then communicate updates, schedules and needs to the client business owner or facility operator.

Hetrick Painting has all the experience your business or facility needs for its next commercial painting project. Our crews of professionals have extensive experience with commercial projects, including the specialized equipment used and the advanced skills required. Our project managers have considerable experience in overseeing commercial jobs, and will work to ensure everything goes on schedule and on budget, and keeping you, our customer, informed.

How Painting Can Help Your Business

Your customers, clients, employees, residents, and business partners deserve a bright, clean, attractive environment. Fresh paint can boost mood and employee morale, and color choices can impact a customer’s willingness to buy and overall impression of your business. A painting project also can improve your business’s reputation by letting customers, clients, and visitors know you care about the environment they inhabit and that you value your outward appearance. Options for colors and finishes are endless, and your Hetrick Painting professional is happy to work with you to make suggestions and discuss what’s best for you and your business.

Let Us Handle Your Commercial Painting Project!

Want to get started?
Rob Hetrick and his team are ready for your call! Learn more about us at, call us at (804) 914-4220, or email Rob at